How To Start A Money-Making Blog

How To Start A Money-Making Blog


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My love of writing dates back to the fifth grade when we had an assignment to write our own book. I became so engrossed in writing my very own book, that I just kept letting my imagination go and the words flowed onto the pages. My loving and patient teacher encouraged me to keep writing, despite the fact that the assignment’s due date had passed and my fellow classmates had all completed their stories. In high school, I signed up for the yearbook classes and thoroughly enjoyed the creative aspect of putting together a book and writing content for its pages. I further pursued my love of writing by studying English and Journalism in my undergraduate studies, where I was able to let my creative side shine through. My summer jobs consisted of writing and editing for my hometown newspaper. When I went on to attend law school, I realized just how valuable the ability to write well is, but I also quickly learned that legal writing is not creative writing. I have long since felt that my creativity was suppressed and would often reflect on my desire to one day return to my passion and turn it into a legitimate and successful career path.

Enter a sponsored ad from It’s A Lovely Life by Heather and Pete Reese, that popped into my Facebook newsfeed titled “How To Make A Money-Making Blog.” My curiosity was peaked and I eagerly clicked on the ad. Could this be legitimate? I signed up to receive emails, joined the Facebook group, and enrolled in the free 5-Day Crash Course, but those emails were tucked away, as the chaos of life, twins, and moving across the state got in the way. I quietly watched the activity in the Facebook group from the sidelines for several months. Once the dust settled and we were sufficiently adjusted to life in our new town, I revisited those emails. Amazed at the wealth of information provided by Heather and Pete Reese in this free crash course, I decided to take the plunge and enroll in the 30-day Blogging Blastoff course. As this was my first introduction to taking an online course, I was blown away by the information provided. This course condensed twelve years worth of information, personal experience, and lessons into 30 days of a highly organized and concise curriculum. It saved hours, days and weeks of struggling to learn through trial and error and streamlined the process for a newbie like myself.

Over the last few months, between shuttling the kids to school, therapies, and sports, I have been quietly working on launching my blog. It has been a labor of love and an amazing learning experience, and I feel as though I have learned a new language, technically speaking. The course was worth every penny, and after I completed it, I signed up for the Travel Blogging course! Shortly after I completed the Blogging Blastoff course, the creators of the course came out with a new WordPress Blastoff course that walks you through step-by-step on how to build your website. That was a tremendous help. I can confidently say that after years of pondering how to combine my legal background with my dreams of writing, I am well on my way to doing what I love and loving what I do! If you think that blogging might be a great fit for you, head on over to It’s A Lovely Life and enroll in the free 5-day crash course. If you’re ready to just pull the trigger, you can enroll here and join me on this awesome journey!

Creatively yours,


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