Meet Twinstant Mom, Tamar

Meet Twinstant Mom, Tamar


Hi there!

Hey y’all!

I’m Tamar (pronounced Ta-mar, like “tomorrow” without the “ow”), owner and founder of Twinstant Gratification. I’m a born and raised northerner living in the south, and I wear a ton of different hats…and a cape. Primarily though, and in no particular order, I’m an attorney, a wife, and a mom of young boy/girl twins. After a 4-year hiatus from being a presentable-looking adult, I’m back, baby! And I’m ready to entertain you with my musings and adventures as a mom of twins-the good, the bad, and all of the laundry. This blog has a little something for everyone-moms and dads of twins or any number of children, parents of special needs children, DIY aficionados, home decor enthusiasts, foodies, fitness fans, fashionistas, travelers, and anyone looking for a good laugh or to procrastinate completing those TPS reports for your boss.

There aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on our to-do wishlists, which is exactly why I refer to it as a ‘wishlist.’ I have been juggling an overflowing plate ever since my offspring came prematurely roaring into this world, and there’s no end in sight. But you know what? If you do it with some grace and a sense of humor, you’ll get through it.

Was your child recently given a diagnosis after acting on your gut instinct? Are you overwhelmed with the entire process of researching the diagnosis, finding therapists, completing the at-home therapy assignments, and preparing for the dreaded IEP meeting? Maybe you struggle to come up with innovative and new dinners for the weeknight rotation? Maybe you yearn to finally tackle that DIY project that you know you are capable of doing, but don’t have the time to actually complete? Do you need a little guidance or inspiration for interior design and home decor? Perhaps you have been eyeing the latest fitness trend but don’t want to be the guinea pig in case it fizzles? Maybe (just kidding, it’s a definite, hell yeah!), you need a vacation? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above, you can now breathe a sigh of relief, because this supermom is here to help you discover how life can be twinstantly gratifying (I told you, I wear a ton of hats).

I send out weekly emails that are specially curated with tips, tricks and hacks for my subscribers. Oh, and there’s some humor peppered in there, because let’s face it, I’m a real mom in the real thick of it. I’m never too busy to respond to questions or to provide advice. So sign up, and feel free to drop me a line by responding to any of my weekly emails and I’d be happy to chat!



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